Monday, February 22, 2016

Message from Minister of Education and Sports

Hon. Mrs. Janet Kataha Museveni
Government recognizes the role Guidance and Counselling plays in the cognitive and career development, character formation and emotional health of learners at all levels of education.

Such a platform for career guidance has become necessary since many students and parents are informed about career opportunities available and as a result, enrolled for courses which would not make them get employment easily. Career Guidance is a mitigating factor for averting future youth unemployment, by focusing school youth on key skills demanded in the labour markets.

This publication focuses on the new dimensions in the world of work, the various careers, professional skills and training requirements, as well as the various educational and skills training opportunities available.

I reiterate the commitment of the Ministry of Education and Sports to continue providing relevant information materials to aid Career Guidance service provision in educational institutions; develop capacity of service providers and provide support and guidelines to educational institutions and stakeholders on good practices of Career Guidance, Educational Guidance, Social Guidance, Psychosocial Support Services and Personal Counselling to all learners and school community members.

The Ministry will continue to focus attention on the services that will promote positive development of learners in all aspects of orientation, education, career/vocational, personal, social, psychological, moral and ethical conduct and living.

Hon.  Janet Kataha Museveni

Minister of Education and Sports

January 2015

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