Monday, February 22, 2016

Executive Summary

This Career Guidance ebook is intended to give career information to students, teachers, parents and all stakeholders on career development process; career opportunities within Uganda, the East African Region, COMESA region and Internationally; and challenges in career entry, progression and development.

The book is divided into eight chapters, and the central theme in all the chapters is availing career and occupational opportunities information to young persons. A deliberate attempt has been made in this publication to indicate that there are more career opportunities in the Technical and Vocational Sub-sector of the economy, and that the most employable persons are those with technical and vocational skills and also that out of these opportunities available, more are in the Small to Medium Enterprises, particularly for self-employment.

Chapters One and Two give general information on important issues related to career decisions, choices and development, for an individual who is still at the lower level of education (Primary or Lower Secondary School). It contains information on core subjects and those subjects deemed critical as per the available opportunities for career engagements; key skills required for employment; areas where manpower is still in great need within Uganda, East Africa Region and internationally.

Chapter Three contains information on marketable career fields in Uganda and the region. It also gives detailed information on profiles of skills mixes required by employers and new investors in Uganda. Therefore, key careers areas identified are the following:

1. Health and Medical Sciences

2. Biotechnology

3. Agriculture, Forestry and Natural resources

4. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Applications

5. Fisheries and Aquaculture

6. Environment

7. Energy

8. Manufacturing and Process Engineering

Global scene

Within the global scene, the following careers are presented as still in demand:

1. Nurses, Nursing Aids, and Olderlies' Attendants

2. Bio-chemists/Bio-physicits/Energy and Computer Soft Ware Engineers

3. Accountants and Financial Managers

4. Lawyers and Paralegals

5. Physician Assistants/Medical Officers and Cosmetologists

6. Skilled Trades and Public Utilities Jobs

7. Post-secondary School Teachers, including Counsellors and School Psychologists

The key skills required by investors and employers are summarized as follows:

1. Self-reliance skills,

2. People skills,

3. General skills, and

4. Specialist skills categories

Chapter Four of the book gives a detailed account of the Career Clusters and Occupation Categories. An illustration on how these sixteen categories fit into the National Sectors of the Uganda's economy (namely, Primary Growth Sector, Complimentary Sector, Social Services Sector and Enabling Sector) has also been provided to aid user's understanding.

Sixteen careers categories in total are identified and these include -:

   1. Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
   2. Architecture and Construction
   3. Arts, Audio-Visual Technology and Communication
   4. Business Management and Administration
   5. Education, Training and Apprenticeship
   6. Finance, Budgeting and Taxation
   7. Governance and Public Administration
   8. Health Science
   9. Hospitality and Tourism
  10. Human and Social Services
  11. Information Technology
  12. Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
  13. Manufacturing
  14. Marketing, Sales and Services
  15. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
  16. Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Under each cluster, an attempt has been made to relate the cluster careers and occupations to various government strategies/programmes, relevant to the field. For instance, for the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Careers Category, it is linked to Plan for Modernization of Agriculture, Agriculture Advisory Services, National Forestry Authority, National Environmental Authority, etc.

For each of the Career Cluster, also Courses and Career development prospects are presented to users. Critical subjects at 0' Level and combinations at A' Level are presented for each of the categories.

Courses presented for each category are based on the programmes available in the training institutions in Uganda. Consequently, a list of available institutions for Certificate, Diploma and Degree programmes are also given. Each cluster is concluded by an overview and description of all the available relevant occupations, an A-Z list of them.

A specific chapter has also been devoted to sports, culture and performing arts. This area is gaining popularity and offers many opportunities for employment, ranging from primary to secondary employment opportunities. These are discussed here in details.

Chapter Five is on skills training opportunities. A detailed list of Technical and Vocational School/Centres has also been given.

Chapter Six is on scholarships. Uganda annually receives scholarships for various programmes, especially post graduate studies abroad in critical areas prioritised by Government and are demanded by the national economy. Information on how to access these scholarships, and key areas for the scholarships are presented in this chapter.

Chapter Seven contains information on tertiary institutions and universities in Uganda. The chapter opens with a list of institutions and centres that offer some of the critical international and regional languages like Kiswahili, French, German, etc.

Foreign Languages
Foreign languages are presented in this publication as critical in putting Uganda at a competitive plane as globalization becomes a reality and the East African Community takes shape. It is also important for the operationalisation of the Labour Export Policy adopted by the Government.

All the tertiary institutions and universities recognized by National Council for Higher Education are presented in this chapter, with their contacts and physical locations for ease of reference of the students/teachers.

Chapter Eight of the book presents information on programme requirements and weighting system for admission to any of the tertiary institutions' programmes/courses. The book is concluded by a glossary, where key words are defined.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the detailed information. We need more of it in videos and audio sir


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